Blathers, Ideas, Ambitions
This post might seem unusual. boring. uninteresting. mostly because I will be pouring out my thoughts, my ideas, as a written list. A list of things I'd like to do in the future – in relation to my blog ...or not. Afterall, it is my blog and I'm free to post whatever I wish. Thus with all due respect –what a polite expression for announcing something impolite–, if you find yourself bored, remember: no one is forcing you to read or remain on this page ;).

Note : This is in no specific order... as the title says "blathers"
Become an online nutritionist
Create customized training plans
Start a youtube channel to cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, etc.
Become a role model, especially to young people
Write more "personal" posts on this blog : my day-to-day life, my struggles, etc.
Be a motivation to everyone when it comes to reaching goals
Reach more people with this blog and other future platforms
Post and film recipes
Invest in a good camera for quality pictures and content
I will add things to this list whenever something worth listing comes to mind!
"The world is filled with nice people. If you can't find one, be one."