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Protean on protein!

See what I did there? ;)

Protean adjective

tending or able to change frequently or easily

This week's fitness goal – and practically every week's – was 5 days a week exercise, with high protein intake. So far, it's going as planned in the first part of my goal, albeit very bad on the last part hence the title of this post!

I'm having difficulty with protein!

Yes, I do have all the means to assure a proper and even high protein intake... my only problem is the concerned foods are coincidentally ones I don't like, or simply ones I'm not used to eating. ALSO protein powder is utterly foul!

Anyhow, I will force myself these last two days of this week – Saturday and Sunday – to eat more protein, although the dreadful taste and inadvertent attitude of my own.

Admitting my current laziness and tiredness resulting from this heavily-loaded week, I list down below the reasons for my stopping this post right here... I apologize for my current impetuous behavior – SIDE NOTE dear me, I could not explain enough my love for vocabulary!

1. Tired

2. Fatigued

3. Exhausted

4. Worn out

5. Consumed


"It is both a blessing

And a curse

To feel everything

So very deeply."

About Me.

Hi and welcome! I'm Magui, the person behind this blog. I'm here to spread positive vibes and share my journey!

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