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It went easier and better than I had expected. Well, again, it's only the first week. The classes weren't too tiring, and are quite flexible some days. Mondays, for instance, I start at 13:10 and finish at 18:15.

Anyways, we did start stuying, in fact we already have been provided with some test dates. Study-wise, this week went great for me, I studied and reviewed my notes every day.

Exercise-wise, it didn't go as planned but I'm still satisfied as when I've managed to hit the gym, I killed it.

Ps. I'm still sore from Friday's glute workout.

Furthermore, I didn't cycle AT ALL, but I did hit the gym, 3 times this week. I do plan to better manage my time next week, and exercise 5 times a week AT LEAST.

These last two days have been horrible however as I cought a cold from my older sister, who actually moved out for UNI on Friday. I will miss you . . .

Hence, my face looks sunken in (is that even grammatically correct), tired, and pale.

Throat Pain + Cold + Headache = WORST FEELING EVER

based on my experiences, at least

I'm running out of quick blog post ideas as I don't have the time to write detailed long INTERESTING posts . . . YES I know these posts are getting more and more boring... But I promise to bring QUALITY content during the holidays.



"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

About Me.

Hi and welcome! I'm Magui, the person behind this blog. I'm here to spread positive vibes and share my journey!

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People Do Crazy Stuff and I Take Pictures of Them.

" Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks "

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