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Sometimes things don't work out...

Yesterday, I had planned to cycle to my mom's workplace and surprise her with a teeny tiny dessert I had baked for her... I followed my usual pre-ride routine, and headed on the adventure... not really. 5 km in and I got a puncture. I might not have mentioned this before, but I NEVER bring a spare tube with me just because Im T H A T optimistic. Well, optimism isn't always a good thing, in fact, most of the times, it isn't.

I called my mom, let her know my intentions so she realises I could be nice sometimes 😏 – what? did you think I'm always selfish? of course not!

(although, yes, I kind of am...) – and I asked her if she could get my dad to pick me up: No, it wasn't possible. I had to walk back home. I mean it wasn't that bad, could be worse than 5km, but I was in a very bad mood as I usually am when things don't go as planned... UGH

Lesson learned however: always have a spare tube with me! and adopt a pessimistic way of thinking.

The story doesn't end here. This morning, I had planned to fix the puncture then head on an adventure. After figuring out how to

loosen the quick release skewers on my rear wheel –that were very tight


removing the punctured tube

inserting the new one

putting the wheel back on

pumping up

adjusting the gears that weren't shifting

I thought it was time to ride. Not so fast,...

While verifying that everything is well in place, I noticed my rear wheel tyre was torn somewhere. This ruined my day. I threw my bike back in the garage (although not so violently, I was quite gentle: I love my road bike whatsoever), and headed home.

To compensate for the "missed exercise/workout", I did about 25 minutes of bodyweight leg exercises. It didn't change my mood much; nothing feels as good as cycling does :(

Anyways, sh*t happens, and this one wasn't that big of a deal, I know I'm exaggerating... but whatever, let it be.

I hope your day went better than mine, and if not, you're not alone ...

Side note: this is exactly how I felt...


"Take a deep breath. It's just a bad day, not a bad life."

About Me.

Hi and welcome! I'm Magui, the person behind this blog. I'm here to spread positive vibes and share my journey!

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People Do Crazy Stuff and I Take Pictures of Them.

" Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks "

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