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picturesque scenery

Yet another bike ride... Do I not bore you with the same kind of content? I shouldn't be asking this question actually because if it so happens that you read my blog, then you're here after this type of content: the great and wonderful, the ever so legendary, bike rides.

I tell you through gritted teeth that there's actually ONE thing I like about Sweden. The scenery. Or the paysage, shall I say –sounds more fancy this way. I am not one to pay attention to nature, in fact if I am to be honest, it usually bores me. When I cycle, I'm not the same person. I pay attention to little details because what else do you do when you're cycling? That's when I realize how beautiful Sweden is, and I don't hesitate to stop and take pictures. Indeed, that's what I do and it might have been a barrier to effective training.

Enough rambling

I'd like to share with you some pictures I took during today's ride. They are nothing special unless you imagine yourself cycling with this kind of scenery surrounding you.

Can we take a moment to appreciate the beauty...

I was trying to capture the horses...

Doesn't this look mysterious? It says "folkskola" which basically means "school". However it looks abandoned and medieval, no?

This peaceful ride was a well-needed break from the regular cacophony at home...

Cacophony noun

A racket, a mix of harsh, discordant sounds; dissonance.


"The race is won by the cyclist who can suffer the most."

About Me.

Hi and welcome! I'm Magui, the person behind this blog. I'm here to spread positive vibes and share my journey!

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