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Bringing this blog back to life . . .

It's been a while. Quite a while actually; last time I posted was November 2017, about 8 months ago. I'd love to update you about my life and what I've been up to recently but I'll save all that jazz for another post ;)

Today I want to talk about another one of my bike rides. The feelings and the experience I will recall in this post are from several rides I went on these past days: hence we can call this a generalisation... Or can we? No, ...I don't think it makes any sense in this context.


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Some weeks ago – by weeks, I mean >4 which makes it more appropriate to say "months" – months ago, I decided to change my routine, to change the usual –who would've thought! I'm all about being consistent and sticking to plans/routines/habits hence calling this a miracle wouldn't be wrong.

Now calm down, I did not change my morning routine, my daily routine, my habits, my training plan or anything that BIG really. All I did was not go on the usual bike ride, not cycle on the same roads, to the same destination.


I changed destination. And NO I do not mean destination in life, as in where I want to be 10 years from now, NO this is not the topic of OUR discussion : could you NOT digress ?!

Digress verb

to leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing

I took a different route. Or is it the word "road" I should use?

I now cycle down to the local video rental shop then about 5km into Vattravägen, the same road leading to Södertälje however changing direction/road mid-way as to end up in a more country-side I shall say.

should this give you an idea...

For those of you who love data, statistics, mathematics and graphs just as much as I do –believe me I DO– then you'll love the following content.

Here's the altitude graph of this route –by the way, I'm using today's ride's data:

the missing data is from my pauses

Distance: 30km

Time spent at Z1 5'33

Z2 30'13

Z3 1:24'07

Z4 24'35

Z5 00'56

My pauses usually last anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. Here's why:

That's right, I take pictures . . .

To be honest, I'm not the best at expressing feelings in writing. That's not to say I won't –I'll try my best in the least. Cycling is just ... amazing, it really is! Believe me as soon as you sit on that saddle, you just know you're about to go on an adventure. Rides are unpredictable, I personally discover new things every time and I always end up having a good time NO MATTER the weather...

*Notice I say "personally" but believe me, it will apply to you too!

Okay, okay, maybe I don't always have a good time but one thing for sure is that I never wished I hadn't went on a ride, I never EVER regretted going out on a ride no matter how bad it was. Let me recount my favorite ride to you:

It wasn't really windy – I think wind was running on 2 m/s – it was quite humid considering yesterday's massive rain. This ride was 90km long, beautiful nature as always, alone, silence, birds winnowing, spiders stridulating, it was just V E R Y peaceful. Best way to take a break from life. However, I hit a car 50km into the ride, it could have been worse, I only got bruises on my knees and continued the ride strong. Albeit, it is still my favorite ride.

Winnow verb

to blow a current of air

Stridulate verb

to make a shrill sound by rubbing together certain parts of the body

Albeit conjunction


Enough for this post, I'll write soon again about my life, some updates and what I plan to do with this blog –will I keep it alive?


"Ride as much or as little, as long or as short as you feel. But ride."

About Me.

Hi and welcome! I'm Magui, the person behind this blog. I'm here to spread positive vibes and share my journey!

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People Do Crazy Stuff and I Take Pictures of Them.

" Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks "

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