Walking: a peaceful form of exercise
Peaceful form of exercise
Potential form of meditation
Good way to spend your me-time
Adventure, like any other physical activity
Decreased risk of certain diseases
Brings happiness
Better health
The meaning of "walking", by Cambridge Dictionary:
To move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next.
A more accurate meaning of "walking" by UrbanDictionary:
Think of the best thing in the world, like free fried chicken, chicago hot dogs, and philly cheese steaks, but 1000x better and in the form of a drug for your mind that allows mental activities to flow faster and clearer.
**I don't agree though with "free fried chicken, chicago hot dogs, and philly cheese steaks" being the best thing in the world, more like the worst. I stand for a vegan way of living. But I do agree with the general message!**
For those of you who don't like to work out or to "shed a sweat", walking is the best thing you could do for your own good. It's such a peaceful activity and helps get some stressful things off your mind – for a while, at least. That's not to say that walking should be seen as "exercise", we humans were not designed to sit but rather to stand, walk, move. Hence, walking is a must and everyone should be getting some "walking done" through their day.
Now, I'd like to share with you how "adventurous" walking can be. I went on a walk the other day, like every day, and decided to take some pictures to show you the different places/nature I discovered.
I walked under the bridge where I usually run. As you can see, the fall season is fantastic in Stockholm, maybe not so the weather.
If you find walking boring, then have someone join you or listen to some music. There are many things you could do to make walking more fun, maybe try walking in more "interesting" places, don't always walk in the same area. This will allow some discovery and more adventure!
"The true miracle is not walking on water or walking in air, but simply walking on this earth" -Thich Nhat Hanh