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One-of-a-kind Bike Ride.

Yes, every ride is unique in its own way, every ride is a new journey with a different goal. But this bike ride surprisingly succeeds to distinguish itself among "uniqueness", if that even was thought to be possible. As usual, I grabbed my bike accessories, on a gloomy day, which was fine by me, and I started my journey. However, this ride ended up lasting an hour, only attaining the 10kms! How is that even possible? Well, I had a special person who joined sister. She had never ridden a road bike before, she is afraid of descents and hates the gloomy cold weather (that could be understandable). Hence, I had to slow down but I took advantage of that to teach her the cycling hand signals and how to use the gears. She hated it and longed to return home...

This was my Saturday ride. I think my outdoor cycling season will be over for now. Winter is here in Stockholm, radiators are turned on. It really is sad for me, I'm not a fan of the cold, I will definitely miss my outdoor cycling rides. Meanwhile (by means for 6 months or so), I'll be cycling indoors. I will soon post my winter training routine (for cyclists).

Anyhow, our short and slow ride was still a new journey on the bike. We saw amazing landscapes and nature. And of course, I had to take some pictures...


"When I ride my bike, I feel free and happy and strong, liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life, solid dependable silent. My bike is my horse, my fighter-jet, my island, my friend, together we shall conquer that hill and thereafter the world."

About Me.

Hi and welcome! I'm Magui, the person behind this blog. I'm here to spread positive vibes and share my journey!

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People Do Crazy Stuff and I Take Pictures of Them.

" Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks "

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